Thursday, 7 April 2016


It has almost became a tradition for my Scout group to go to Guernsey for Summer Camp. It is a great place with so great places to visit, exciting activities to take part in and there is usually great weather in the summer so that is always a bonus. I have now been twice, once as an Explorer Scout and once as a Leader. I really enjoyed both, but I think my first experience as an Explorer Scout was probably the best for me as I was only 14 so it was all new and exciting for me.

I can remember the whole trip so vividly, even though it was nearly 8 years ago. We took part in some great activities, visited nearby islands, learned about history and just explored the beautiful island of Guernsey. It was also my birthday when we were out there and I was so excited. My leaders got me a card everyone had signed, a lovely birthday cake and we all went bowling. I had such a great night.

Happy memories in Guernsey
(My friend Linzi and I on my 15th birthday in Guernsey, looking ever so cool!)

There was so many high points of this trip including learning about the history through visiting military museums and many of the bunkers around the island. We also participated in many activities such as coasteering, surfing and fishing. Surfing was a particular highlight for me. It was something I had never tried before and I was so excited to give it a go. Although it was so fun, it was really difficult. I managed to stand up once- for a whole 2 seconds before I fell back in (it still counts). For those 2 seconds, I was surfing those waves like a professional surfer.

Another thing I really enjoyed was when we visited the remote little island of Sark. Sark is a 50 minute boat ride from Guernsey. It is a very traditional island with only 600 inhabitants. There is no cars on the island so the modes of transport include horses and bikes. When we arrived on the island we walked around for a while taking in the beautiful sights. We then took a tour of the highland on a horse and carriage ride. It was really interesting to hear about the way of life on the island and it was great to see the wonderful sights. There was also a beautiful sandy beach on Sark. I clearly remember the tiring trek to the beach (there was what felt like 1 million stairs) but the stunning secluded beach was worth it. Overall, it was a fantastic and unique experience.

Horse and carriage in Sark

Guernsey was a great place for a summer camp, there was so much to learn and experience. I would highly recommend it to other Scout groups who are looking for a summer camp destination. 

About Unknown

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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